Friday, May 21, 2010

Curve Balls of Awesomeness

So in an attempt to make this blog much more awesome than its predecessor, I have tried to avoid writing too much about my life. However, occassionally, life throws you a bizarre curve ball of awesomeness, and as you slowly recover from shock of it all there is naught to do but brag about it (and hope you don't jinx anything).

After writing over 15 pages worth of applications, and providing numerous other miscellaneous documents and information to more instutions than the number of colleges I applied to, my internship prospects were looking grim. I had already given up my hopes of heading out to Sunny California, and it was looking like this was just going to be another summer spent at home attempting to escape northward at every possible opportunity, so as to see friends and avoid listening to elder relatives talk about their personal lives. (which wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that they are often more interesting than mine.) Infact, with so many people out of town this summer already, it was looking like things were going to seriously suck.

Until one day, after over a year of mediocrity, the world was clearly backing me up again. Not only did I discover that the school cafeteria makes my favorite kind of pastry, and not only did I do well on a presentation I threw together at the last minute, and not only was I getting four-day weekends until the end of the semester, but I had an internship. (Typical that the application that consisted of only a resumee and a short email is the one that is actually victorious). Better yet, I had an internship that might pay almost double anything I had previosly seen offered, and with high NSF priority in grant funding. (AKA it's very likely that I will get paid almost double anything I had previosly seen offered).

I have not had a day this good in two years. So I of course reacted the way anyone would upon recieving so much good news over the course such a short period of time- deep, fearful suspicion. Surely something was up here? Surely I was being somehow duped? Actually being sold into white slavery instead of getting lab work? Or perhaps I had just lost it all together and taken the Beautiful Mind route? Something was clearly about to go terribly wrong in life... but no. So far, So good. (though I'm still keeping my eyes peeled, just in case)

So this brings us to this summer. The first summer where I will not be living at home, but will instead find myself surrounded by lots of friends, subletting my own place off-campus, and doing awesome quantum chemistry research in sunny and sweet Zoo/Tundra territory. I am quite possibly more excited about this than I was for my entire year abroad.

So without further ado, I give you, my personal plans for this summer:

1. Bring back 90's pop music

2. Take advantage of small town proximity and get exercise by bringing back bicycling as a mode of transport. Obviously invest in cute basket for necessities.

3. Bring back sunglasses with colored lenses.

4. Bring back Free Time. Yes, this will be the first time since January of last year
where more than two weeks will pass where I have absolutley no academic work hanging over my head. I plan on filling this by lots of reading, biking, pool-hanging, and WoW.

5. Find time to take a roadtrip to visit OSK. Bring a friend and wayfarer sunglasses because "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark outside, and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it."

6. The research website for my future boss not only involves hefty use of Star Trek quotations, but some how managed to factor the word "nexus" into the homepage. Yup, bringing that back too...It was clearly a sign.

7. Adopt a knowledge of quantum mechanics and magnetism that is so epic, even I'm impressed. Think further about possible physics minor. (I know, I am clearly deeply insane)

8. Less time on the laptop (except for WoW)

9. Um, most of my friends are around, over 21, and I'll have my own place. Can you say "Party like an Olympian?"

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