Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Box of Chocolates

So if you keep up with my facebook you probably know that a) I am now taking more Physics classes than Chem classes and one of them is basically dominating my life, and b) They have discovered instances of prostitution amongst penguins.

In other news, while most weeks at college fly by, the first half of this one seems to be moving unusually slowly. I have counteracted this by procrastinating work and watching episodes of The Mary Tyler Moore Show (partially curious to see where SATC gets its routes, and also in desperate need of something to replace the recently cancelled My Boys). I keep watching but frankly so far it's nothing too impressive. I suppose I'm glad they cancelled My Boys, though. I mean it was a good show that always had great potential but it was clear they weren't going to take any huge risks with the script, so they were clearly running out of material.

And that's all I have to say about that.
( I really just wanted to blog about the penguins)

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