Every now and then, in this crazy, entropic universe of ours, one stumbles upon true love in its purest form. A love that somehow manages to combine everything you find wonderful in this world. A love that keeps you up at night, and that makes it hard to think of little else. Cue Aretha Franklin's "At Last...." I know it's been a long and lonely road, but this is the real thing.
I never thought I'd say this, but Battlestar, step aside a little. Breaking Bad and My Boys, I'm sorry, you're going to have to move down a notch. Caprica and SATC, sorry, but you've been kicked off of the list all together.
Because epic room must be made for:
Why? Because it is perfect. In every way.
Essentially, someone somwhere decided to combine my deep love of sitcoms, abstract physics, all things nerdy, other forms of science, and my personal experience as "that girl" (well, minus the attractive-blonde-with-dudes-fawning-over-me part) to create a show that basically embodies everything good about this world. And who doesn't love a show with its own science blog?
If you thought the brief WoW addiction of Fall 2009 was bad (though luckily not as bad as Penny's), you have seen NOTHING. Let's hope this wears off before my actual Quantum Mechanics exam, but it's looking doubtful. No really, this is starting to teeter on downright obsession. If a TV show could file a restraining order, I would be in jail by now.
(except not...)
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