Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Anti-Valentine's Day Antidote

Despite having little-to-no religious significance, Valentine's Day is arguably the most polarizing holiday on the planet. Either you are in a happy relationship and enjoying yourself, in an unhappy relationship and pretending to enjoy yourself while being surrounded by other, happier couples, or alone and having it rubbed in from every angle. There is no middle ground. I don't want to totally knock Valentine's day (being a fan of the color scheme and heart-shaped merchandise) but I did think I woud do my readers a favor and provide them with an "Anti-Valentine's Day Antidote" in case they get to feeling really gloomy.

Warning: do not click the following link unless you are actually miserable and alone. Improper use may lead to uncontrollable pessimism and dark thoughts surrounding your current relationship.

I found out about that blog through a friend of mine, and I couldn't help but read it regularly. At first, most of the stories were all happy, adorable tales of lovers finding each other despite extreme improbability and then going on to live insanely happy lives. But apparently (surprise surprise) these people did not represent a majority of the population (or at least not the majority of the population googling mushy shit on the internet- having probabaly already had their fill.) Over time, the written submissions became more and more deeply depressing. Now, they're mostly about sad rejections, the intense pain of seperation, and people just realizing out of the blue that they no longer love their spouse. Oh, and let's not forget the "he doesn't deserve me" post-breakup-girly-feel-good-crap. Honestly it could be written by middleschoolers. One might ask "If it's such a crappy blog, then why do you still read it, Juicy?" well, for starters I'm a creature of habit, never underestimate that. But more importantly, it's like rubbernecking on the highway, or self-help book titles. It's like a train wreck that you can't look away from. Again, I warn you, click with care.

So there you have it. If you're truly feeling misterable and missing-out on this heart-filled holiday season, then go, read, and realize that relationships aren't at all they're cracked up to be, and that they will probabaly ultimatley fail and result in nothing but stress, misery, and hardship. You can thank me later.

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