Monday, July 26, 2010

Sweep This

Ever since I actually figured out how to play the Minesweeper game that has come free on every Microsoft operating system since the dawn of time (AKA 1995) it has become an all time favorite pastime. There's something oddly entertaining and relaxing about applying more or less the same mental algorithm to each square and occasionally extrapolating with higher logic and probability for hours at a time. (I clearly need better taste in computer games, I know)

But here is my complaint- Minsweeper is arguably a lot harder to play than simple Solitare (the classic "I'm bored at the office" backup for millions of people). But when you beat Solitare, you are rewarded by an awesome, trippy show of bouncing and self-duplicating cards. What do you get when you win a game of minesweeper? Sunglasses. Yes, the little smiley face button (why is it a smiley face anyway? What does that have to do with explosives?) gets a pair of sunglasses. That's IT. And the worst bit? Solitare is ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to lose, whereas winning a 30x30 game of minesweeper (the largest setting my netbook seems to be able to handle) happens only once in a blue moon.

It's just not right....

Oh, and I'm also convinced that good Minesweeper skills ultimately lead to good H NMR skills. So no, not a waste of time at work, not at all.


Gavrich said...

It's the little things. True sweepers of mines should delight in the subtle reward.

Juicy said...

Yeah, I suppose the mild ego trip really should be reward enough...But still.

dr_koopon said...

umm... solitaire is incredibly easy to lose. over several thousand games, my father has a 11-12% win percentage (I forget which). ive seen him play, and he definitely isnt particularly good or bad.

and personally, im pretty sure i win more than 12% of my minesweeper games.

Juicy said...

wait...did you just pull that figure out of your ass or does your dad actually keep a running tally of his solitare games?!

And please- the mental skill and strategy required for minesweeper FAR exceeds the dumb luck of solitare.