Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Dude, I'm telling you. They abducted me, flew me far, far away, and performed a variety of strange tests on me in my sleep in their large, metallic bases. They've planted a small device in my horn- I think it's to track me. They could be coming back for us at any minute! Run! They're coming! They're Coming!

Other Rhinos: Schitzo...

I gotta say though- I'm not sure how I feel about all of the efforts in existance to help 'save' endangered species. Are we fighting a futile fight? And yes we mean well in helping the species as a whole, but think about the individual animals. How would you like being abducted and relocated into a new home halfway around the continent? Away from your family and friend Rhinos? No wonder some animals don't breed well in captivity. Maybe they're just depressed and don't want to subject their kids to it.

Fun Fact: a large group of Rhinos is referred to as a "crash"

Fun Fact: Almost a month off of the internet and I come back blogging about Rhinos. Wow.

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