Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Chicken Truck

Way back when, OSK blogged in great detail about nostalgia. The feeling you get when you're going to miss a place even though you really didn't enjoy it all that much when you were there. While at the time he was blogging about France, I've started to have similar feelings about Switzerland.

After almost an entire year of "why the fuck did I do this," "I would have been so much better off in the US," and "God, the food/tram/people suck" (well not all the people obviously, but you get my jist); I think I've reached the point where I've finally fully accepted and assimilated to life here enough to enjoy it, even if it's not at all what I first had in mind. Like I always seem to get used to the freezing winter weather right before I'm about to step inside, I have realized, just in time, that come a month or two from now when I leave, I will miss Switzerland. I don't know whether this is genuine joy, pure nostalgia, or just not wanting to accept the fact that my might-have-been-epic year is over and I accomplished so shockingly little, but the fact remains. I guess it was always a love/hate relationship.

Oh, but I'll def miss my stoner roomates.

(Though I suppose I can always come back next year when OSK, apparently, will be in Europe all year long. Wow.)

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